Tattoo Removal with Laser Treatment
Decorative Tattoos have a history dating back at least 5000 years. The desire to get rid of them has also existed since then.
Tattoos are made with the use of various colour pigments being injected into the deeper layer of the skin. Laser tattoo removal is one of the most effective and scarless methods to get rid of unwanted tattoos with minimum side effects. Also, it does not leave un-pigmented areas of skin behind.
There are several factors that are to be considered for laser tattoo removal. These factors include the colour, dye, ink used in the tattoo, the size and density may also affect the suitability of a laser removal treatment.
Laser treatment for tattoo removal:
There are five types of tattoos, amateur, professional, cosmetic, medicinal and traumatic. Amateur tattoos need less laser treatment sessions than the multicoloured professional ones. A tattoo with black pigment usually absorbs laser beam of various wavelength thus making it easy to treat. Similarly, other colours can also be treated with selected laser lights based upon the pigment colour.
Lasers are capable of removing the tattoos by breaking up of the pigments of the tattoos by Q Switch Lasers utilising a high-intensity light beam. A specific wavelength of light passes through the skin and gets absorbed by the ink. It breaks the ink into smaller particles which are further eliminated by the body’s natural filtering system.
A consultation with our senior and experienced Laser Plastic Surgeons is necessary who can evaluate the tattoos and advise the best option for you. The required number of laser session will be determined on the basis of age, size and colour of the tattoo, the colour of the skin and how deep the pigments are located on the skin.
Smaller tattoos will require fewer laser pulses while larger ones need more to remove them. However, in either of the cases, one session is not enough to fetch good results. It takes 4-6 treatments to see the tattoo become progressively lighter and eventually disappear.
What to expect from the laser tattoo removal procedure?
Some say that a laser tattoo removal procedure is painless but the truth is that the procedure is uncomfortable and maybe painful. To make the procedure painless, surface anaesthesia is usually desired. Depending upon the location of the treatment the practitioner may want to apply some topical cream 45 minutes before beginning with the procedure to make the area numb.
The candidates undergoing the procedure are also provided protective glasses that protect the eyes from the laser rays. After following the treatment an ice pack is used to soothe the treated area and apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. It is very crucial for people undergoing a laser treatment to use sun block and cover the treated area when out in the sun.
The side effects of the laser tattoo removal treatment:
The Laser treatment is considered as one of the safest procedure compared to any other laser treatment procedures like excision, dermabrasion. However, there are a few side effects related to the procedure, some of them are:
- There are certain colours which can be effectively removed while there are colours which do not respond very well to the laser treatment.
- The candidate may also experience some temporary pigmentary changes that mean the treated skin is paler or darker than the surrounding skin. Candidates may also experience hyper pigmentation which makes the treated skin darker than rest of the skin.
- Other than this the common temporary side effects are redness, tenderness, swelling, blistering, scabs, bruising, etc.
However, the best part of these side effects of the laser tattoo removal is most of them are temporary and they will resolve with time. Patients with darker skin tones are at greater risk for pigmentation so they must strictly avoid sun exposure of the treated area for weeks. The permanent side effects may be completely avoidable if the surgeon’s instructions are followed minutely.
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