• 27 NOV 13
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    The aging process, rapid weight loss, and excessive sun exposure can all cause the skin on a person’s neck to lose its natural vitality. A neck lift is a minor surgical procedure that improves the appearance of a patient’s neck by removing excess skin and tightening the muscles underneath. A neck lift can get rid of loose “bands” of skin and fat that accumulate with age, as well as accentuate the patient’s jaw and reduce the “jowly” appearance that also sometimes occurs.

    Am I a candidate for a neck lift? 
    The ideal neck lift candidate is someone whose skin still has some elasticity and who has realistic expectations for the surgery. The patient must also be in good physical health and be able to miss at least a week of normal activity. The most important step to take when considering any kind of cosmetic surgery, however, is to talk to an experienced doctor. Knowing the potential risks, benefits, and limitations of the procedure will help ensure satisfactory results.

    The neck lift procedure is done under local or general anasthesia, depending on the preferences of the doctor and patient. The doctor then usually makes small incisions behind the ears and underneath the patient’s chin, through which most of the surgery will be done. This procedure consists of several techniques. The procedure may target to removal or reshaping of the extra neck muscle. If extra skin the skin is lift and organized in a desired position. If an extra fat is present, liposuction is also performed. A small cut is made below the chin through which a special cannula is inserted. Through the cannula the extra fat is removed.

    What is the post-operative care involved? 
    Initial healing may include swelling, numbness or discomfort which can be controlled with medication. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activities for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.

    When can I resume my normal activities? 
    Most people can return to work after 10-14 days.

    When will the results be apparent? 
    The cosmetic results of the procedure can be seen within a few days of the neck lift,. Final results usually take from three to six months to fully appear. The tighter neck and more defined jaw will typically last from five to ten years, after which the patient will return to his or her pre-surgery state.

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